Get Rid of Your Double Chin: Kybella in Webster and Houston, TX

What is Kybella?

You can eat well and exercise regularly, but stubborn fat doesn’t always disappear despite your best efforts. Some of this fat can settle around your face, making you look older and heavier than you are. While clothing can camouflage some of the bulges and rolls throughout the body, a double chin cannot be disguised so easily. Fortunately, there are other ways to address that double chin. Kybella is an injectable treatment available at ACQUA Medspa that destroys unwanted submental fat underneath the chin to produce a more youthful facial contour without surgery. If you are looking for a way to turn back the clock in this area, Kybella might be a useful treatment choice for you.

How Does Kybella Work?

A far less invasive fat-busting option than liposuction or a neck lift, Kybella is the only FDA-approved injectable procedure that destroys fat cells to offer long-lasting benefits. The medication contains an active ingredient known as deoxycholic acid, which is also found in the digestive system. The purpose of deoxycholic acid in the body is to aid in the breakdown of fat. When injected directly into the submental fat under the chin, the substance breaks down and destroys cells to completely remove the pocket of fat and restore definition to the jawline.

Submental fat is a common problem that affects many men and women as they age. This cosmetic concern is as bothersome as lines and wrinkles for many, but until now, the only solution was a surgical procedure that involved anesthesia, incisions and residual scarring. Kybella destroys the fat cells, allowing them to be flushed out by the body in the four to eight weeks following treatment. Since the adult body has a finite number of fat cells, once they are gone, they will not return. As long as you maintain a healthy weight after treatment, you should be able to enjoy your refreshed appearance for a very long time.


Is Kybella Right for You?

Kybella is an appropriate treatment for men and women that have extra pockets of fat underneath the chin that they would like to eliminate without surgery. The procedure only targets the fat and does not affect the surrounding skin and tissue. If you have skin laxity exacerbating the appearance of a double chin, you may be a better candidate for a surgical procedure that excises loose skin while removing extra fat and tissue. The staff at ACQUA Medspa will carefully assess your concerns to determine whether Kybella can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.


How are Kybella Treatments Performed?

To start the procedure, the area is numbed, and a grid pattern is drawn to show where the injections need to be placed. Multiple injections – as many as 20 – 40 pokes with the needle – will be positioned to ensure smooth, even results. You should feel minimal discomfort during the treatment. The area may be iced afterward, and you can return to your daily schedule as soon as you leave our office. Depending on the size of the area you would like to target, the ACQUA team will let you know during your consultation how long your treatment will likely take. Most Kybella treatments can be performed in under half an hour.


Kybella Post-Treatment Care

You will likely experience some swelling after your Kybella injections, but rest assured it will resolve on its own within about one week. Soreness under the chin is also typical but is not usually severe enough to keep you from your regular activities. Icing the treatment area for the first few days will help to manage these side effects and keep you comfortable as you heal from your procedure. Because Kybella is a non-surgical treatment, no scarring or post-treatment surgical garments will be required.

Kybella Before & After Photos

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Getting Full Results

Before we perform your Kybella procedure, our experienced staff will review your medical history and provide a thorough assessment of the area under and around your chin to determine whether Kybella is the right treatment for you. Skin laxity and other concerns may need to be addressed to produce the best results, which may involve procedures in addition to or in place of your Kybella injections. If Kybella would produce the desired benefits, we will discuss your aesthetic goals next so that we can devise a treatment plan to help you meet those goals as closely as possible.

Some patients will see achieve their desired results after a single treatment session, while others may require multiple procedures to reap the full benefit of this procedure. Up to six treatments, spaced at least one month apart, may be necessary to create the profile you want. We will advise you at the beginning of the process as to how many sessions you may need, and then we will assess you after each treatment to determine how much benefit was achieved. Once your full results are obtained, you should not require any more procedures in this area unless you gain weight or experience significant skin laxity over time.

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

Submental fat is a common complaint from both men and women that think the development of the double chin gives them an aged, weighty appearance. While surgery was the only option in the past, today’s method of treating submental fat is faster and more comfortable. Kybella is a safe and effective way to restore your jawline and your youthful appearance without anesthesia or downtime. To learn more about this treatment, contact ACQUA Medspa today by calling us at (281) 480-1200 or fill out an online contact form and our office will be in touch with you.

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575 E Medical Center Blvd – Webster, TX 77598

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