Breast Lift Surgery in Webster and Houston, TX

A breast lift (also known as Mastopexy) by Dr. Kimberly Carpin in Houston, League City and Clear Lake, TX, is indicated for women with sagging breasts, but without excessive breast tissue. Sagging breasts can occur with weight loss, pregnancy, and aging. A breast lift will also reduce the size of an enlarged areola. This surgery restores a youthful look to the breast and reshapes and lifts the breast and nipple.
Who is a candidate for Mastopexy?
Healthy women who have sagging breasts and who ideally have completed childbearing. Women with low or down pointing nipples or deflated unshapely breasts are great candidates. Patients with a good shape but lower positioned nipples may benefit from a lift of just the areola.
Will Breast Lift Surgery Leave Scars?
The type of procedure and scars will be based on the amount of lift needed. Smaller lifts typically require scars around the areola, whereas larger lifts may require additional incisions extending to the lower aspect of the breast. A full breast lift will result in an incision extending to underneath the breast.
What to expect during a breast lift
This surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia in the hospital and the surgical time lasts between 2-3 hours. Incisions placed around the areola and lower part of the breast will be determined based on the skin laxity. The skin is lifted, and excess skin is excised. The breast tissue is sculpted into a more youthful shape. The incisions are closed with sutures. The breast is covered with a light bandage. After surgery patients return to home and light activity is tolerated.
what is recovery like?
Most patients experience discomfort and swelling. Patients typically can return to work in one week. Heavy exercise is usually permitted at 3 to 4 weeks after surgery. Scars will continue to fade over the next 6 to 12 months and are generally well tolerated by patients.
How Much does a breast lift cost?
A mastopexy on average costs $5,000-6,000. After consultation with Dr. Carpin, a final quote for surgery will be customized for each patient.
What are the risks of breast lift surgery?
A mastopexy typically results in swelling, pain, and scarring. Additional surgical risks will be discussed in consultation.
common FAQ’s
How long do results from breast lift surgery last?
What other procedures can be combined with a breast lift?
A breast lift can be combined with a breast augmentation if an increase in breast size and upper fullness is desired long with a rejuvenated shaped.
Consider a breast reduction, if you would like your breasts smaller and lifted.
What are alternatives to breast lift surgery?
Schedule Your Consultation
Please schedule a consultation with Dr. Carpin to discuss if you are a surgical candidate, and to review the risks, benefits, alternatives, and expected outcomes of the procedure. Dr. Carpin offers breast lifts for patients in Webster, Houston, League City and Clear Lake, TX and surrounding areas, including Friendswood, Pasedena, Kemah, Seabrook and Galveston.